A tradition of excellence.

Located on the Stockton campus, 正规博彩十大网站的言语语言病理学系提供两个加速硕士学位课程——一个15个月的课程和一个24个月的课程. 这两个项目的重点是提供基于专业研究基础的高质量临床指导.

Projected employment growth higher than in other fields

15 and 24-month accelerated pathways

On-campus clinical experiences 

Two accelerated pathways

15-month (4 semester) program pathway for students who have an undergraduate degree in speech-language pathology.

24-month (6 semester) program pathway for students with non-speech-language pathology baccalaureate degrees.

研究生项目主任与学生一起制定适当的学习计划,以满足个别学生的需求. The master of science degree program satisfies the academic and clinical requirements for:

  • 获得美国语言听力协会颁发的语言病理学临床能力证书
  • 拥有加州消费者事务部颁发的语言病理学执照.
  • 由加州教师资格认证委员会颁发的加州言语语言病理学服务证书

Read our 入学s information for everything you need to know about prerequisites, 如何申请, 和更多的.

SLP student and professors
SLP graduates at ceremony
Why choose SLP at Pacific?

太平洋硕士学位课程的毕业生在语言病理学的国家认证和州执照考试中一直表现良好. 二十多年来, prior to graduation with their master’s degree, 100% of the students have passed the examination. 这一比例远高于全国平均的80-90%.

语言病理学系的使命是通过提供一个优秀的以学生为中心的体验式学习环境,为语言病理学家和听力学家的终身成功做好准备. Our students are mentored in developing leadership, critical thinking skills, and a strong commitment to their profession and society. 这些努力得到了科室通过临床实践实现专业成长的承诺的协助, 学术活动, and service to the profession and the community. 这些课程是根据州和国家认证标准和指导方针制定的,以确保毕业生在整个职业生涯中提供模范的专业实践.


Demonstrate knowledge in the discipline

Critical and Creative Thinking

Demonstrate critical and creative thinking


Demonstrate effective oral and written skills



协作 & 领导

Demonstrate the importance of collaborating with others within and across disciplines

Intercultural and Global Perspectives

Understand the importance of embracing and serving a diverse world

Program Specific Student Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate knowledge of communication disorders and 差异 and swallowing disorders, and methods of prevention, 评价, 和干预. 
  • 展示在不同人群和整个生命周期中选择适当工具和进行评估的技能. 
  • 展示对不同人群和整个生命周期进行干预的技能. 
  • 展示与专业标准相一致的互动和个人品质. 
  • 具备以学校和医学为基础的语言病理学服务知识.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of processes used in discipline-related re搜索. 
  • 展示咨询原则和实践的知识,适用于不同人群和整个生命周期的言语病理学实践. 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of standards of ethical conduct. 
  • 展示研究过程的知识,并将研究原则整合到循证临床实践中. 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary professional issues. 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of communication and swallowing disorders and 差异, including the appropriate etiologies, 特征, anatomical/physiological, 声, 心理, 发展, and linguistic and cultural correlates. 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of entry level and advanced certifications, 许可, and other relevant professional credentials, 以及当地的, 状态, and national regulations and policies relevant to professional practice. 
  • 在口头和书面或其他形式的交流中展示足以进入专业实践的技能. 
  • 在语言病理学实践中完成至少400小时的监督临床经验,其中至少325小时在研究生阶段完成. 
  • 通过国家语言病理学协会的语言病理学认证和执照考试.
Coral Connor’18

Through interactions with speech-language pathologists, 她发现了一种将她帮助他人的热情与她对语言和认知的兴趣结合起来的职业.

student working with child
研究生 clinical experience

在研究生阶段,学生被分配到斯托克顿中心的儿童和成人客户. 研究生还完成了与北加州公立学区的孩子们一起的实地工作经验.  During their final semester, 研究生参加全日制校外实习(可能需要搬迁).)

Pacific students obtain required clinical hours in a variety of placements. Students begin their clinical experience in the on-campus clinics which include the Pacific Speech, Hearing and Language Center, Language-Literacy Center 附近的 RiteCare Childhood Language Center of Stockton, a program of the 加州 Scottish Rite Foundation.  Each of these centers is housed in 状态-of-the art, professional health care facilities.

  • 在语言病理学实践中至少有400小时的监督临床经验. 至少有25个小时用于临床观察,至少有375个小时用于直接接触客户/患者.
  • 申请人在听力学和言语语言病理学学术认证委员会认可的言语语言病理学项目中从事研究生学习时,必须完成400小时中的至少325小时.
  • 有监督的实习必须包括在整个生命周期和来自不同文化/语言背景的客户/患者群体的经验. 实习必须包括与不同类型和严重程度的沟通和/或相关障碍的客户/患者群体打交道的经验, 差异, 和残疾.

State Requirements for Licensure and Certification

Opportunities for graduates

Pacific’s SLP faculty are at the top of their field and are here to 为你服务.

Accreditation Information

The Master of Science (M.S.正规博彩十大网站的语言病理学(住宿)教育项目获得了美国语言听力协会听力学和语言病理学学术认证委员会的认可, 2200 研究 Boulevard, #310, 罗克维尔市, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.  

Are you interested in learning more?

We take a hands on approach with our students. This means we want to get to know you throughout your discovery and application process. Help us connect with you by taking the next step. 

Non-Discrimination Disclosure

该计划是一个机会均等的高等教育机构,并坚定地致力于在提供服务和就业实践中不歧视. In compliance with all applicable federal and 状态 laws, such decisions will be made irrespective of the individual's race, color, 宗教, 宗教信仰, 祖先, 国家的起源, age (except for minors), 性, 婚姻状况, 国籍, military service status, 性取向, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic condition), disability and/or any other status protected by law. For further information, please see the University’s 政策


Speech-Language Pathology
209.946.2381 pacificslp@wolfcrush.com



Speech-Language Pathology